What a difference a year makes.

This morning Facebook sent me a notification of a picture I uploaded a year from today.

The picture was of my sweet Nyla Rose at 3 months. Now she is 15 months.

Time has flown past. I remember when she was first born:

Brandon sitting with me at the hospital as we waited to see if I had dilated any.

The labor contractions.

Constantly striking my feet on the floor because of the pain.

Grabbing the hospital bed.

Being moved to triage.

Getting an IV in my hand fearlessly with hopes to get drugs.

Dr. McDreamy (Poist) coming in the room check on me here and there.

My mom, dad, and Gege being there sporadically after opening my eyes.

Me constantly shushing because my dad was too rowdy and talking SO MUCH due to his nervousness.

The epidural, which I had to get twice because it was unsuccessfully administered the first time

Boy was my mom uneasy after that.

The back pain

Gege and Grandma Trina rubbing my back and butt.

Nyla’s head pounding like she was bamming on a door that no one would answer.

Me asking, “Can I push?”, while Nurse Jakira kept telling me, “no“, even though it was time.

Getting more and more anxious

The pushing…

Ten pushes.

Her head turning left and right because she was just as anxious AND NOSEY.

Her cry.

Then looking me DEAD IN MY EYES.

Gosh it painful, but for her, I would do it over again.

I knew my life would change and that our love would be like no other, but nobody told me I would love this hard and selfless. When it comes to her, I am a complete mama bear. I am fearless. I am determined. I am dedicated. I am selfless. I am superwoman.

What a difference a year makes.

I will go to war with the world for my baby girl.

She is literally my E V E R Y T H I N G.

xo Demi Lewis, The Lews String

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