It is NOT over if you LEWS yourself

My past was so immature. I am loyal, so even if it meant putting myself and my happiness last, I was willing to do that for the rest of my life. God did not want that for me. He watched me suffer every single day! He urged me to leap and break-free. I was dying. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I left.

Then, I dated.

Complete fails. No one was serious. Everyone was stagnant. Pained. Or immature. Married. Liars.

Months later, God sent me you.

Life has not been the same since.

I am getting me back. NOT the old me because she is no longer and I don’t want to be her. She was a successor but too naive, a pushover, not a powerhouse. She grew through some shit so she’s ready. A magnified version of THAT GIRL is what I thrive to be.

Now, I am ready to shake back and possess similar qualities but be a whole beast. It’s in me. And when I wake completely… IT IS OVER. I am coming for what’s mine.

Thanks to you.

I never want to LEWS you. Just don’t hurt me. Don’t lie to me. It’s too hard to deal with after all I have encumbered.

My hope.

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