What about me?

When you become a wife, you have to become a little selfless. When you become a mother, self is not even in the equation. Let’s just say… I did not let myself go, but I definitely have not been keeping myself up as I should.

Since the birth of my daughter, I have adopted sinus problems and have been battling with chronic iron deficiency. For the past three months I have been going to the cancer center (sounds serious, huh?) for iron pushes with hope to gain energy and answers to my lack balance of my iron and ferritin levels.

It gives me anxiety so bad that I have had two panic attacks in the past two weeks because I am so worried about something being wrong with me or the thought of my child not having a mother. I know you are thinking, you will die from worrying yourself way faster than you will from your condition. Which is right, but you have to understand that prior to childbirth I barely battled with a headache. So to me, this is drastic.

In the midst of, I have grown a strong desire to capitalize on beauty and wellness. Since my outer appearance is so so, except for the random zits that pop up here and there, and my inner self is all out of whack, I have asked myself, “What can I do to get myself under control?”

Brandon and the baby are taken care of, but what about me?

-xoxo Demi Lew

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