I Am Tired of Holding It In.

Blogging is #14 of my goals for 2018. Often, my mind and life is filled with wild ideas, crazy thoughts, and pure chaos. My thoughts and experiences are bound in my mind with no one to share them with. Later, they are forgotten. I suffer from “mommy brain”. You cannot tell me that mommy brain is not. It is. Being forgetful has become pretty common since the birth of my daughter, Nyla Rose. But hey! Blogs, planners, and Apple iPhones can help with that.

I truly believe that blogging will become my outlet. It will help me grow on a personal and professional level. “It will be fun!”, so I thought prior to creating my site. I have so much to learn in order to be a BOSS at this. The content does not worry me, but the design and layout is what is giving me an instant feel of distress. I am not an expert right now, but someday I will be.

Creativity is my niche, but this blog creation thing… not so much. What I have tried to tell myself is, “Like everything you touch, try, or experience, it will eventually come into fruition.” We all know that greatness does not happen over night. It takes the three P’s- planning, preparation, and prayer. Lots and lots of prayer actually… like extreme prayer and some. Lol.

We all have to start somewhere.

One thing I know for sure though is that… I am tired of holding it in.

So here we go!

Welcome to The Lews String blog site!

xo Demi Lewis, The Lews String

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